Sunday, April 3, 2016

Friday - April 1, 2016

On Friday after class, my sister, my roommate, and I went shopping. I kept this blog assignment in mind, and kept my eyes open for social media contacts I had that day. I figured that, since I was going to be shopping, I probably wouldn't be in much contact with social media because my phone was in my bag; however, I often forget to realize that social media is all around us. I was standing in line at Target and I picked up a magazine and read the cover and scanned through the pictures and headlines, which covered a story on Donald Trump, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris's relationship, and celebrities' secrets to success. I never buy magazines to read; instead I just quickly breeze through the covers and main headlines when I'm at the grocery store. These quick glimpses in line still give me an idea of what's going on in the media and what celebrities are being covered each month. A simple scan of the magazine often leaves me wanting more; I still don't usually buy them, but they definitely gain my attention. Magazines, although they are read less due to so many online news sources, are still great media outlets and not only gain your attention quickly, but are also entertaining and resourceful.

After shopping, we then went to the 112 Drive-In theater to see Zootopia. One of my favorite parts about going to see movies (besides the popcorn, of course) is watching previews. I love seeing what movies are coming out soon and planning fun dates with friends to go see the ones that catch our interest. They previewed everything from the third Ice Age movie to another Disney Nature movie featuring pandas in China. There were movies previewed for everyone's interests. As the screen went dark after the previews and the movie began to start, I looked around at the other cars and saw little kids and families, young couples, and groups of friends. It was interesting how a movie typically targeted to young children attracted such a mixed group of people. During the funny parts, everyone laughed together and during the sad parts, everyone's smiles turned into frowns. Movies like Zootopia and many others have the power to unite an audience with a wide variety of people with all kinds of different interests.

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